COSTA RICA – One lesson we’ve learned over the years is that giving a hand up makes an even bigger impact than giving a hand out. As the popular saying goes, “Give a person a fish, and they will eat for a day. Teach someone to fish…” Well, you get the point.
Along our journeys we’ve found many talented and hardworking people who just need a helping hand in order to change their lives—some training, a few supplies, a bit of encouragement and support. This was the case with Graciela from Costa Rica.
As a single mother and sole provider for her 15-year-old son, Juan, Graciela needed a way to earn a living and keep him focused on school.
Working But Still Facing Food Insecurity In Costa Rica
Graciela cleaned houses for a time—until her doctor advised her to stop due to chronic pain she suffered. Then she tried baking from her home. Despite her talent, without the right tools and supplies she simply couldn’t earn enough. She was left feeling anxious and hopeless.
Juan shared with us how hard his mother works despite her pain. He explained sadly, “There is no food in the pantry. There is no food in the fridge. It is almost empty. If I look at the freezer, there is no meat—there is nothing.” They mostly survived on rice and often had to skip meals.

Then they found Operation Blessing! Thanks to friends like you, Graciela got the blessing she so badly needed. First, you gave Graciela the necessary tools for her baking business, including a professional mixer, a scale, cookware, utensils, containers, and other essential baking supplies. But you didn’t stop there.
A New Lease On Life In Costa Rica
Thanks to you, Graciela received personalized business and financial training that will help her succeed. In addition, you supported her with top-notch signs and promotional stickers to help her advertise her business. And over the next months, she will receive ongoing support as she learns and develops in her growing endeavor.

She said, “This business is something that helps me and that I can do from home.” Now she’s able to make and market her beautiful homemade bread called pan casero and other tasty baked goods efficiently and effectively. Graciela is so grateful to you for this chance. Thank you for giving her and Juan a new lease on life in Costa Rica!