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You Are Blessing Artisans in Peru!

Field Report by Operation Blessing

Many of us love the artistry, style, and ingenuity of artisans all over the world. But did you know your compassion is supporting Peruvian natives like the Cocomas? They are an ethnic group comprised of the Manacamiri people. For generations they have dedicated their lives to agriculture, fishing, and handicrafts as their main source of income.

Gregoria, a Peruvian artisan, has worked for years crafting goods for her community. But she has also seen much economic hardship in Peru. Gregoria described how her family only ate if her crafts sold. Can you imagine not feeling confident about where you next meal will come from? This was the reality for those earning their living by making traditional crafts in Manacamiri.

Help With Hardship In Peru

But after Operation Blessing learned of this community, through your faithful partnership, the lives of many families were about to change. Thanks to generous friends like you, Operation Blessing started a community project for Manacamiri artisans. Many families with craft skills learned to improve their weaving techniques and painting, and how to create new products. Now they have ways to help battle the economic hardship in Peru they were facing.

Thank you so much for you kindness! Because of you, Gregoria, Mirna, and dozens of other artisans in Manacamiri have transformed their enterprise and empowered their lives. To learn how you can get involved, visit

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