You Bring Joy to the World One Christmas Ornament at a Time
ASIA – We’re so thankful that our generous partners like you love to give a hand up to hardworking people who are struggling. And one of the exciting ways you’ve gotten to do that in recent years is by training women to make traditional handcrafted items—including festive Christmas ornaments! In both Thailand and Indonesia, our Read More…
A Harvest of Hope for Widows in Nigeria
Your Cheerful Giving Turned Their Lives Around
A Journey from Tragedy to a Brighter Future through a Microenterprise Program
Defeating Hunger in Honduras
Overcoming Food Scarcity with a Chicken Business
Breaking Poverty’s Chains in the Philippines
Strengthening Food Security in Guatemala
When Food Is Scarce and Times Are Tough, You Give Hope to the Hungry!
Hatching Hope for a Future Without Generational Poverty
A Season of Growth for Indonesian Chili Farmers Thanks to You
Senegal Microenterprise: A Pathway from Loss to Livelihood