UPDATE (09/22/22) – The Disaster Relief Team is actively working in hard-hit communities around Ponce, distributing key items like solar lamps, water purification tablets, and roofing tarps while we look to offer additional help where it’s needed.
For all the latest on Hurrricane Fiona visit ob.org/tag/hurricane-fiona!
UPDATE (09/20/22) – Operation Blessing has deployed its U.S. Disaster Relief Team to Puerto Rico to assist residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona. The relief team departed this morning from Norfolk, VA carrying dozens of portable solar lamps and other emergency relief equipment. Upon arrival, the team joined with partner organizations in San Juan and Ponce, Puerto Rico to distribute the emergency supplies and determine next steps.
PUERTO RICO (09/19/22) – Hurricane Fiona struck Puerto Rico’s southwest coast on Sunday afternoon, September 18, 2022 as a Category 1 storm. Torrential rain and high-speed winds pummeled the coastal island, plunging 1.5 million Puerto Ricans into a blackout. Fiona even unleashed landslides that ripped up asphalt and sent rivers of water to envelop cars and first floors.
Associated Press reports that hundreds of people were evacuated or rescued across the island as floodwaters rose swiftly. Dangerous flash floods continue to devastate the area, and the crisis situation is still unfolding. Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi states, “The damages that we are seeing are catastrophic.”

Hurricane Fiona hit just two days before the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria that struck on Sep. 20, 2017. Many people were traumatized by that disaster, and having another catastrophic event so soon is more than they can bear. They will need our help and our prayers.
As the hurricane continues on, we are actively assessing the situation to serve disaster victims in need! Operation Blessing President Gordon Robertson assures us, “Operation Blessing was there after Hurricane Maria, and we are prepping our disaster relief right now to evaluate the storm damage and what we can do about it.”
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Teams Assess Hurricane Fiona Damage and Begin Distributing Relief Supplies
Right now, we are assessing the damage in hard-hit Puerto Rico to determine next steps as our teams begin distributing disaster relief supplies like solar lights. Those in greatest need will soon receive water filters, disaster kits, and more as we target specific hard-hit locations. We’re also exploring the best ways to provide essentials like clean water and food.

Please pray for the families who are facing these terrible circumstances. Together, we can make a difference in their lives and give them hope for tomorrow. Thank you for being part of our Operation Blessing family.