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Robert John V. Tan


Regional Director for China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mongolia, Laos, and the Philippines

John Tan is the regional director for CBN China and Operation Blessing Hong Kong as well as the managing trustee for Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines. Working from the CBN Asia headquarters in Makati, Philippines, John supervises the Operation Blessing offices in the regions entrusted to him, which include China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mongolia, Laos, and the Philippines.

To further Operation Blessing’s mission of demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering, John’s role entails him to support and guide Operation Blessing’s country leaders in strategic direction, programming, and overall management.

Under his leadership, Operation Blessing Hong Kong—which started working exclusively for humanitarian work in mainland China—expanded and started serving families with special education needs (SEN) in Hong Kong. Their team in Hong Kong provided regular classes in emotional care, spiritual care, and physical care, including developing Superbook materials specifically for SEN kids.

John’s prior work as a CBN International producer for more than two decades exposed him to the work and ministry of Operation Blessing in many parts of the world. As a producer, he interviewed staff and beneficiaries as well as researched and wrote about the different programs of Operation Blessing, giving him a deep appreciation and understanding of the work God is doing in OB.

Being with Operation Blessing also paved the way for John to be used by God to bring help and relief in the biggest tragedies the world has experienced in the last two decades. He was personally involved in disaster relief operations in the Taiwan Chi-chi earthquake, Iraq War, Indonesian Tsunami, super typhoon Haiyan and most recently, the Russian-Ukraine war.

When he’s not working, John enjoys painting, sculpting, and watching movies in his free time.

John resides in the Philippines and has been happily married to his wife for 28 years. The Lord blessed them with two sons.

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