Prepare Him Room:
Free Devotional Prayer Guide for Easter

We’re so excited to introduce you to this new devotional prayer guide! Together, we can explore the depths of Christ’s trials and resurrection as we prepare for the victorious celebration of Easter.
Make room in your heart for Jesus during this season with our free one-week devotional prayer guide. You may find it helpful to begin on Palm Sunday, completing your devotionals during the traditional holy week in time for Easter Sunday. Focus on topics such as prayer, fasting, sacrifice, confession, repentance, and resurrection during this sacred time as we honor our glorious Savior.
Compassionate friends like you serve as the hands and feet of Christ as Operation Blessing takes God’s love to as many as we can—reaching out to hurting people in need. As a token of our appreciation this spring, we would like to offer you this free Easter devotional booklet. You will receive a Prepare Him Room digital download immediately, which is also printable for easy physical reading.
As you take the time to walk through this devotional prayer guide, consider with us the tremendous significance of the resurrection for your own life. May God bless you with resurrection life this Easter season!
Getting Ready for the Resurrection
God is holy—utterly set apart from all things at a distance none can cross. He is unlike anything or anyone we have met. He is beyond us. But, amazingly, His desire is for us, to know us and be near us. He made us for Himself, and Jesus came to make a way to reunite us with Him.
His forgiveness is ready and waiting for us today, but He wants us to be open and honest about what we’ve done, laying our sins bare and agreeing with Him about them. When we do, He welcomes us with open arms. The good news of the Gospel is really good news. All that was once dead can be brought to life, and all that was broken can be set right—because of Jesus. And the Word is clear: the resurrection is everything.
In the days of the early church, some people challenged Paul with the idea that there was no such thing as resurrection. He responded, “…if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:13-14). The miracle of Christ’s resurrection is paramount for the Christian faith. By it, mankind is freed from slavery to sin and death to be adopted into God’s family!
Now, God’s Word promises that the Spirit who empowered Jesus to burst from the grave—breaking the chains of death forever—will also burst forth from your once-dead body to fill your world with light and life. That is what we are celebrating at Easter! May we live all our days in light of the resurrection.

About Operation Blessing
The mission of Operation Blessing (OB) is to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world. With the support of our generous partners, Operation Blessing provides strategic relief on an ongoing basis through core programs such as disaster relief, medical care, hunger relief, and clean water. Along with our faithful supporters, we put a special emphasis on not only providing physical relief to those in immediate need but also equipping them to create sustainable solutions to combat poverty. OB partners are devoted to being God’s hands and feet in the world.