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Operation Blessing is Sending Relief to Those Suffering From COVID-19

Today, our world faces a deadly new crisis. However in the time of coronavirus, Operation Blessing stands ready to respond. The novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has become a pandemic. It’s affecting those in the U.S. and around the globe.
Huge death tolls have rolled in, especially from hard-hit areas like Italy and New York, and now spreading.
In response, governments have tried to “flatten the curve” with strong recommendations on social distancing, quarantines, school closures, and limitations on many industries. Frontline medical workers have struggled to fight the virus and save lives, sometimes without proper protective gear.
And the coronavirus pandemic has brought more than just illness to our world. It’s caused panic, heartache, and financial crisis as well. The virus has greatly affected the economy, and many families now face financial hardships. For example, people have lost their sources of income. Food has gotten more expensive and become harder to access. In addition vulnerable children no longer able to attend school, have faced long days without free school breakfasts and lunches.
Hope in Troubled Times
However, you can take heart. During coronavirus, Operation Blessing can respond to the growing needs of our rapidly changing world because of your support. Thanks to you, OB teams from here at home and countries all around the world are working hard to keep up with the many demands created by this crisis.
COVID-19 India: Update May 2021

Recently, COVID-19 infections and deaths have surged in India. COVID cases there have surpassed 20 million since the beginning of the pandemic, and the death toll is increasing by as many as 120 every hour. But during this desperate time, you are sending relief!
Oxygen, one of the key resources for helping seriously ill COVID patients recover, is in short supply in India. Some hospitals must now turn away the sick because there’s no oxygen to give them. Thanks to your support, Operation Blessing is helping provide oxygen for the Philadelphia Hospital in Ambala, India. The goal is to provide oxygen for 60 COVID patients per day for the next two weeks.

How Operation Blessing is Responding to Help Fight the Pandemic
Sending Supplies
With the help of faithful supporters like you, Operation Blessing is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic quickly and effectively. We’re sending invaluable masks and protective gear to hospitals and first responders in places like the Philippines, Guatemala, and the U.S. In Kenya, Haiti, and several Latin American countries, you’re making it possible for us to supply governments and medical facilities with vital chlorine for killing the virus on surfaces. In Guatemala, we had the honor of delivering chlorine to the country’s president! And we’ve set up critical hand washing stations in Latin America and Kenya. We’re also supplying extra food to those in need both in the U.S. and all around the world during this time.
Here in the U.S., thanks to your help and a partnership with The Home Depot Foundation, we’re distributing sanitizing kits. These kits are filled with cleaning and sanitizing supplies: bleach spray, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, all-purpose cleaner, work gloves, contractor bags and scouring pads. In addition, you’ve made it possible for us to increase the amount of food we’re supplying to our distribution partners around the country during this difficult time. Moving into the future, we’re committed to continue being there for those in need during the coronavirus crisis and to keep responding to the changing needs!
More Details on How We’re Battling the Virus Here and Abroad
Your love and support are reaching across the world to battle the impact of the coronavirus. Every prayer, every gift, and every action you have taken against this dreadful pandemic is making a difference. Thankfully, your kindness helps Operation Blessing deploy to areas suffering through COVID-19.
As the world is truly at war against the coronavirus, Operation Blessing rushes to help. In this time, nation after nation faces shortages and strain, trying to save lives and prevent further spread of this outbreak. Here are just some of the ways Operation Blessing is making a difference across the world and in the United States.
Masks for Hospitals in the United States
Your blessings allowed us to provide masks to hospitals who faced daily shortages. Protecting our health workers on the front line of the disease is extremely important. Without masks, our doctors and nurses are unprotected and vulnerable. Thus, they are more susceptible to the disease.
In addition, your support helped us donate thousands of N-95 masks to hospitals and municipalities. Many of these masks went right to the doctors and nurses facing the coronavirus at Sentara Hospitals and The Children’s Hospital of The Kings Daughters in Virginia and a local veterans hospital.
That support also allowed us to supply thousands of masks to the hospitals in seven other cities. Beyond that, your heartfelt giving allowed us to send large numbers of masks to the states of Tennessee Texas, and Florida. The total mask distribution tallied well into the tens of thousands!
Support to the Philippines

The coronavirus knows no boundaries, races, or nationalities. As such, your support is also allowing us to provide medical protection all over the globe. The Philippines is one of those areas that your donations are reaching.
Your generous gifts are helping us supply 20 hospitals in the Philippines. Medical supplies, in short supply, will go to the medical staff struggling to contain COVID-19. Because of friends like you, medical items like gloves, soap, ferrous sulfate tablets, ascorbic acid tables, gowns, alcohol, shoe covers, and masks are making it to the front lines of the fight internationally. We’ve also held food distributions throughout the Philippines for those suffering during this time.
Support in Latin America and Beyond
Governments, hospitals and medical agencies across the world are fighting the effects of COVID-19. Many are in desperate need of disinfecting supplies. Thankfully, Operation Blessing offices in Latin America and around the world are well equipped with powerful machines to produce virus-fighting chlorine. In Kenya, Haiti, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Puerto Rico, thanks to supporters like you, we’ve been producing and distributing vital chlorine for disinfecting to government agencies, first responders, hospitals, and more. The chlorine can also be utilized to provide clean water and keep vulnerable people from falling ill to waterborne diseases during this critical time as needed. And thanks to clean water, they can practice good hygiene as well.
First Responders and Hungry Families in the United States
The United States has not faced a disease outbreak of this magnitude since the influenza epidemic of 1918. The coronavirus has now spread to every state in America. Therefore, the need for supplies and aid is now essential to our well being. Your partnership has allowed us to supply sanitizing kits from The Home Depot Foundation in Virginia, Texas, and Florida. In addition, your thoughtfulness has allowed our Hunger Strike Force to counter the effects of the coronavirus as American families struggle to put food on the table. Your friendship has made it possible for us to supply 12 hub food pantry locations across Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads. It also is allowing us to distribute food all across the country through our partners. Don’t let up in the fight against hunger caused by the coronavirus.
Worldwide Food Relief
During this time, your support of Operation Blessing has also made it possible for us to bring food to hurting people in Myanmar, Cambodia, Kenya, Israel, Germany, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru and many other countries around the world. This help has prevented starvation for many families, and they are so grateful that you reached out with love and compassion.

Hand Washing Stations
Providing hand washing stations in busy market places, distribution centers, and even hospitals has been one of the simplest, yet most effective, ways you’ve sent aid to those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ve made it possible for Operation Blessing to set up these stations in places like Honduras, Peru, and Kenya.

Battling COVID-19 with Your Support
Friends like you are the heartbeat of everything we do at Operation Blessing. Without your faithful support we wouldn’t be able to offer relief for the coronavirus or provide ongoing humanitarian aid around the world. Thank you so much to all of our partners.
With your help, during this time, we’re able to respond quickly and effectively to the changing needs during the coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile, you are continuing to support our core programs providing life-changing surgeries, clean drinking water, hunger relief, and so much more to end poverty and break the cycle of suffering around the world.
How Operation Blessing Is Supporting Health and Safety with Tips to Protect You from the Coronavirus

Operation Blessing is also committed to keeping you healthy and safe during this time.
With you in mind, we’ve created two coronavirus fact sheets so that you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family.
Be smart!
Stay informed!
You can download your free fact sheet today to protect your family during this pandemic.
Download your free coronavirus fact sheets here for complete details and other helpful resources.
Operation Blessing Coronavirus Questions and Answers
Here are some quick answers to frequently asked questions about the coronavirus or COVID-19. You can get more complete details by downloading our fact sheets above. This is a great way to arm yourself with facts about this pandemic.
- What is the coronavirus?
The coronavirus is a disease with origins in China. First officially detected in December of 2019, it has spread throughout the world with alarming speed, causing a global pandemic.
- What causes the coronavirus to spread?
The coronavirus seems to transmit from the moisture emitted by a person. Moisture droplets, infected with coronavirus travel to another human or animal host when a person breathes, coughs, or sneezes.
It can also spread by contact on surfaces where the moisture, infected with the coronavirus, has landed. Once touched or inhaled from these surfaces, the virus can infect people and possibly some animals.
- How do I protect myself and my family from the coronavirus?
- The smartest thing you can do is stay home. Avoid unnecessary contact with people or places where you might be exposed.
- Wear a face mask if you must be in public.
- Exercise social distancing by making sure you are no closer than 6 feet from someone.
- Do not make trips outside of the home except for essentials or emergencies.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- If you cough or sneeze, do so into a napkin or tissue.
- What are symptoms of the coronavirus?
The coronavirus is a respiratory ailment. Common symptoms are:
- Shortness of breath
- Fever
- Cough
- Are there groups at greater risk for the disease?
People with weakened immune systems, the elderly, or those with respiratory problems face the highest risk.
- Are coronavirus and COVID-19 the same thing?
Not exactly. Coronavirus is a general classification of respiratory infections. COVID-19 is the specific name of this version of the disease, which is particularly dangerous.
- What things are organizations like Operation Blessing doing to help battle the coronavirus?
Support from partners like you is allowing us to battle COVID-19 in a number of ways including:
- Getting masks, gowns, gloves, and medical supplies to multiple hospitals
- Supplying food to local foodbanks
- Distributing sanitization supplies to first responders and hospitals to help prevent the spread of the outbreak

How to Help: 8 Things You Can Do Support the Fight Against the Coronavirus
Here are some simple steps you can take to help fight the spread of COVID-19
- Practice social distancing at all times.
- Do not make trips outside of the home that are not essential to health or survival.
- Wear your mask outside of the home.
- If you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth.
- Wash your hands very frequently with warm soapy water.
- Pray for the sick, our governments, our scientists, and our medical workers for strength and wisdom during this time. Also pray for a quick end to this pandemic.
- If you have not been hit financially by this crisis, continue spending by ordering take out and using online resources to stimulate the economy.
*All gifts for a specific program will be applied to the program and its fundraising expenses and up to 10% may be applied to administrative expenses.

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