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Fundraising With Operation Blessing!

Field Report by Operation Blessing

Are you passionate about helping others? Do you want to transform lives? When you see others struggling, do you long to help them? Operation Blessing wants to team up! Did you know YOU can create your own fundraiser for Operation Blessing? Peer-to-peer fundraising allows you to reach others. That’s right–we want you to take action right from where you are. Now you run the show and direct the message. Make a difference in a new and powerful way.

Learn how to access the Operation Blessing Peer-to-Peer Fundraising site. Turn your social interactions into blessings for others. Utilize social media to get the message out and get people you know involved. Leverage your network to help change lives. Unleash your passion to help people in need. Use the power of the internet to maximize your efforts. The process is very simple. Explore our homepage and find a cause you are passionate about. Choose one that speaks to your heart. Then you are in the drivers seat. Tell your own story on your fundraising home page. Keep the message fresh and persevere for what you believe in. Invite all your friends to join in the giving, as well! Visit to get started today.

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