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Relief for Hurricane Laura Survivor

Field Report by Operation Blessing

Cassie and her family hunkered down during Hurricane Laura in Lake Charles, Louisiana. They did not know the size of the storm or how extensive the relief effort for Hurricane Laura would eventually be. Having weathered Hurricane Rita without harm, she believed her brick home would protect them from the storm. But Hurricane Laura hit as a category 4. Tremendous damage was done to her home, roof, and yard. In the midst of the storm, Cassie and her family feared for their lives.

Thankfully the storm passed without harming Cassie and her family. The damage to her home caused by the storm was covered by insurance. Sadly the damage to her yard during the relief effort for Hurricane Laura was not. Cassie received help from some of her daughter’s friends, but the task was too much. She needed help and did not know where it would come from.

But, thanks to generous partners like YOU, Operation Blessing teams were in Lake Charles, Louisiana, right after Hurricane Laura had passed. Volunteers sought out homeowners in dire need of disaster relief and found Cassie struggling to pick up the pieces after the storm. Operation Blessing volunteers cleared all the debris from her yard, cut trees, and provided hope in Cassie’s time of need.

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