MEXICO – Juan Diego’s battle with crossed eyes began in infancy, a concern that has weighed heavily on his mother, Candelaria, ever since. “The doctor at a health clinic told us he would need surgery but to wait until he was older,” she recalled. As Juan grew, the impact of his condition became increasingly apparent.
By age six, Juan Diego found himself struggling with tasks that most children take for granted. “I like to run and play. Sometimes I fall because I can’t see well,” he shared, his words revealing the daily challenges he faced due to his impaired vision.
His mother was very concerned about her son’s condition. “I worry something bad will happen. I feel like I have to watch him extra carefully and watch for things in his path,” Candelaria explained.
“I worry something bad will happen. I feel like I have to watch him extra carefully and watch for things in his path.”
-Juan Diego’s Mother Candelaria

The High Cost to Heal Juan Diego’s Crossed Eyes
For Juan Diego’s family, the cost of treatment for his crossed eyes posed an insurmountable barrier. His father, Alex, works at a gas station, while Candelaria cares for their five children. Their limited income barely covered their basic needs, let alone medical expenses.
“The doctor said the operation would cost $750. That’s why we haven’t done it because it’s too much for us,” Candelaria shared.
“We wanted to take him to the doctor, but we never could. If we would pay for Juan Diego’s treatment, then we would not eat,” she explained, illustrating the heart-wrenching decisions many families face when dealing with medical issues while facing financial limitations.

A Ray of Hope: Operation Blessing’s Intervention
It was during a medical outreach in their community that Operation Blessing first encountered Juan Diego and his family. Recognizing the urgent need and the family’s inability to afford treatment, Operation Blessing offered help.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our partners—supporters like you—Juan Diego’s life was about to change dramatically. Operation Blessing arranged and funded free surgery to repair the muscles in his eyes, a procedure that would have remained out of reach without this intervention.
The Impact of Your Generosity
The effect of this act of kindness was profound. “It was God who sent you to help us. Because we never, never imagined we would get help like this,” Candelaria expressed, her gratitude evident in every word.
For Juan Diego, the transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Post-surgery, he joyfully declared, “Thank you for fixing my eyes!” Now able to see clearly, he can play without the fear of falling, opening up a world of possibilities for a future without crossed eyes.