MOROCCO – Operation Blessing is visiting remote Moroccan villagers with assistance in hand for families who are suffering after a devastating earthquake destroyed their communities. The roads to these far-flung locations are very hard to travel, so help hadn’t reached these families yet—that is, until friends like you stepped in.
Transporting Supplies for Remote Moroccan Villagers
Our team assisted villages in one area that took several hours to reach with supplies from our base of operations. In order to even arrive there with aid, our staff had to get creative. We loaded up food, clean water, and other critical supplies on donkeys, because it’s the only way to reach them. Now, those basic necessities are making a tremendous difference in the daily lives of men, women, and children who have struggled since their homes were ruined.
Diego Traverso of Operation Blessing addressed some of the people who were suffering and shared the sentiments of all of our partners. He said, “We feel your pain. But we want to let you know that you are not alone. You are very important to us.”

Thanks to YOU
And this is all thanks to friends like you. Without the prayers and donations of compassionate humanitarians, we couldn’t reach people with compassion and support. You can make a difference in the lives of Morocco earthquake survivors by working together with us in the region. Your hands of compassion can show them God’s love. Visit today to give towards the cause.