KENYA – In addition to Texas and Brazil, areas of Kenya have also recently suffered from devastating floods. Over 235,000 individuals found themselves uprooted from their homes. This forced the displaced Kenyans to seek refuge in makeshift camps. The death toll has tragically risen to 240, leaving communities shattered and in dire need of assistance. Amidst this chaos, Operation Blessing emerged as a beacon of hope providing Kenya flood relief.

Collaborative Relief Efforts Help Provide Kenya Flood Relief
Operation Blessing’s partnership with Orphan’s Promise proved instrumental in efficiently reaching out to affected families. Leveraging existing networks in Nairobi’s slums, we swiftly dispatched aid to those most in need. Peter Kimaru, national director of Operation Blessing International in Kenya, emphasized the critical role both organizations played in flood relief.
Providing Vital Assistance
Operation Blessing provided assistance to over 500 families. Each family received vital supplies, including blankets and a month’s worth of food provisions. This ensured their immediate needs were met. We also distributed water treatment tablets to mitigate the risk of waterborne diseases. In addition, we supplied mosquito nets to offer protection against vector-borne illnesses.
The Importance of Operation Blessing Partners
As always, we offer a special thanks to Operation Blessing partners. YOUR commitment to providing disaster relief to people in need is a testament to your kindness. While immediate relief has been provided, the road to recovery for flood-affected communities in Kenya remains long and arduous. Without you, the needs of many people could not not be met. Thank you for having a heart to help others in places like Kenya and beyond.