KENYA – Meet 6-year-old Deborah from Kenya. Her bright eyes and big smile tell the story of how your love and compassion can help work miracles in the life of a child. Including miracles of clean water in Kenya, miracles of educational opportunities, and the blessing of nourishing food. For Deborah and so many kids in the village of Kimana, holistic outreach from Operation Blessing friends like you has rewritten the stories of their lives.
Several years ago, before Operation Blessing arrived in Kimana, most young children were unable to attend school to get a strong start on their education. The closest school was simply too far away for little legs to walk each day, and they needed to pass through a dangerous area full of wild animals. Many of the children didn’t get proper nourishment either. Meanwhile, villagers had a difficult time finding clean water—and many struggled with poverty.

Meeting Challenges In Kenya
Then Operation Blessing partners like you came along and supported innovative solutions to these challenges! Today Deborah and her friends have the advantage of growing up in a very different sort of community.
Let’s start with the school. Deborah receives a high-quality early education near her home to prepare her for life and help her break out of generational poverty. She has the opportunity to learn using technology, a special treat in her part of the world. At school she enjoys the playground as well, and she’s fed two nutritious meals each day.

Clean Water Solutions In Kenya
But that’s not all. Friends like you also supplied a clean water source for the school and the surrounding community where Deborah lives. Clean water in Kenya is just one more incredible blessing you helped provide. And her whole family benefits from the local agriculture program, which provides even more healthy food as well as income opportunities for her parents. Deborah’s mother now helps raise chickens, and her family has been given a plot on the Operation Blessing sponsored farm, where they primarily grow beans. In fact, her family moved closer to the village so that they can reap all the benefits from the blessings you provided!

The Deborah you see today is thriving and full of life. She’s always one of the first to raise her hand in class. She loves reading and hopes to be a teacher someday. Instead of the dim outlook of poverty, she envisions a future that’s bright and full of hope. A future with clean water, abundant food, and a path to a better life. Thank you for being a miracle in Deborah’s life and the lives of so many precious souls like her.