OSOCCO, PERU – There is much to be thankful for today. Because of the amazing support of friends like you, the community of Osocco, Peru now has a reliable source of fresh, clean water. The impact on this small community in the highlands of Peru is life-changing.
For too long, the people of Osocco struggled with access to clean water. Their old, shallow wells were filled with contaminated water, and the closest source of clean water was 40 minutes away by foot. But faithful friends of Operation Blessing gave the gift of a lifetime to the families of Osocco.
When our team asked community members what they wanted most for their village, one of the youngest members—a little girl named Yareli—said it all: “I want clean water.” When she was younger, she once drank contaminated well water and became sick with a painful stomach infection. That difficult memory had never left.
Now, she doesn’t have to fear anymore! A brand-new clean water system exists right there in the village, courtesy of dedicated supporters like you. Today, 28 families have the blessing of drinkable water piped directly to their homes.
We give our thanks to everyone who showed love to the families of Osocco. They now have the opportunity to work, play, and smile, knowing that a refreshing drink is never more than a few steps away.