You Brought a Father Healing after Near Death

UKRAINE – Dmytro didn’t think a trip to check on his house would almost cost him his life, but living in war-torn eastern Ukraine, danger was often too close for comfort. Sadly, this trip home would end up requiring head surgery and extensive medical care.

War Reaches Dmytro And Daniel In The Ukraine

Dmytro is a loving single-father who cares deeply for his 12-year-old son, Daniel. Dmytro and Daniel had been living in a modest home that Dmytro had purchased by working hard as a miner. Then one day soldiers arrived and warned him saying, “If you want to survive, move out!” 

Dmytro and Daniel heeded the warning and moved from the home they loved into a small, one-bedroom apartment in a safer area. But Dmytro worried about the home he had worked so hard for. One day he decided to return to check on it and retrieve some tools he needed with young Daniel and his friend Oleg. 

head surgery in the Ukraine from non profit

A Tripwire Leads To The Need For Head Surgery

Leaving Daniel in the car a few blocks away, Dmytro and Oleg walked to the house. Then, while in the backyard, Dmytro hit a tripwire. Daniel recalls, “That day I called three times. Dad’s friend Oleg told me on the phone that everything was all right. Then there was an explosion… I kept calling them both, but both of their phones were disconnected. I called dozens of times but nothing helped.” He continues, “I felt really scared… nobody explained anything to me, but I realized dad was badly wounded, and I could only guess whether he was still alive.” 

200 Shrapnel Wounds To His Head And Damage To His Skull

Thankfully, Dmytro was still alive, but only barely. The bomb had left Dmytro with over 200 shrapnel wounds. He was rushed to the hospital for emergency head surgery. In order to save his life, doctors had to remove a large portion of Dmytro’s skull. 

Though he had survived the explosion, Dmytro was in a very hard place. His injuries made it impossible for him to work and support his son. Not only that, with part of his skull missing, Dmytro lived in constant danger. Even the smallest bump on the head could have killed him. “Before my injury, [my son and I] used to be together all the time—fishing, cycling, and going to the seaside,” Dmytro lamented.


Head Surgery Gave Dmytro A Protective Plate For His Skull

Dmytro needed another surgery to install a protective plate. But unable to work and with no way to pay for the surgery, Dmytro didn’t know what to do. 

Your Lovingkindness Made His Head Surgery Possible

That’s when YOU stepped in to change everything for this loving father. You made a way for Dmytro to have the head surgery that he needed. Now Dmytro has a titanium plate protecting his brain, and he no longer has to live in fear of bumping his head or skull.

“Finally, I am home with my son,” Dmytro exclaimed. “The scariest thought for me has always been that I would never see my son Daniel again.”

Thank you for blessing Dmytro and for making sure that he will be able to provide for his son in the future!


You Are Battling the Coronavirus Crisis

UPDATE April 24, 2020 –

You are now reaching out to multiple states throughout the U.S. and 27 other countries around the world with special help during the coronavirus pandemic! Our humanitarian outreach has quickly pivoted to place priority on providing medical supplies, disaster relief, and additional food to those suffering during this unprecedented time.

See all the latest reports.

Read a comprehensive report on COVID-19 and how you’re helping.

Donate during the crisis.

UPDATE April 14, 2020

Thanks to your amazing ongoing support, we continue reaching out during this time of conronavirus crisis. Here are just a few of the latest updates on how you are fighting this pandemic.

  • Thanks to you we’re reaching out in the Ukraine with food and soap for those hit hard by the financial situation.
  • You’re sending masks, food, hygiene supplies, and first aid items to Thailand.

  • With your help, we donated 1000 N95 masks to Sentara Hospitals and 1000 N95 masks to Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters in Virginia, as well as giving seven local cities another 1000 N95 masks each. Similar large numbers of masks have also been distributed at multiple locations throughout Florida, Tennessee, and Texas.
  • OB Philippines will be visiting 20 hospitals in the coming days. They are giving away disposable head covers, shoe covers, gowns, masks, alcohol, gloves, bath soap, ferrous sulfate tablets and ascorbic acid tablets. A pastor will accompany them to pray and uplift the spirits of those on the front lines.
  • In Mexico, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico, Peru, Honduras, Kenya, and Haiti, OB is producing chlorine to distribute to government and medical agencies. Guatemala is also distributing food supplies and masks.
  • Our U.S. disaster relief team is distributing sanitizing kits from The Home Depot to governments and first responders in Hampton Roads, Florida, and Dallas areas.
  • Our Hunger Strike Force will continue meeting the needs of the 12 Hub food pantry locations in the Hampton Roads area, as well as sending food to distribution partners all over the country.

Click here to see our latest stories on the COVID-19 crisis and other outreaches

View a special message from OB President Gordon Robertson on the pandemic

UPDATE March 20, 2020

In the U.S., because of you, we quickly reached out to our food distribution partners, and began sending even more free groceries and water to those hit by the financial hardships of the crisis, including children who lost school meals and workers who lost wages. With your help, we also reached out to first responders in the communities surrounding our headquarters in Virginia.

“Many of us are working remotely right now, or being asked to, but these folks can’t,” said Hannah Slusher, operations manager for Operation Blessing. She went on to explain, “We actually provided…one thousand N95 masks, and in partnership with The Home Depot, we also provided them with disaster buckets.” The police officers greatly appreciated these buckets full of cleaning and disinfecting supplies.

Operation Blessing always stands ready to respond to crises and reach out to those in need. With your ongoing support, we’ll be able to continue offering humanitarian aid during this COVID-19 crisis and long into the future. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

Reaching out to first responders with disinfecting supplies during the coronavirus crisis.
Norfolk Police Department

 UPDATE March 17, 2020

The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is an active threat in the U.S., and the government is responding with strong recommendations on social distancing, quarantines, school closures, and limitations to certain industries. The virus has greatly affected the economy, and many families now face financial hardships. Thanks to your ongoing support, Operation Blessing is actively working with our food distribution partners around the U.S. to make more free food supplies available for individuals in need during this coronavirus crisis. And we will continue monitoring this global pandemic to evaluate how we can help all around the world.

February 12, 2020

WUHAN, CHINA: Both China, and the world at large, are facing a deadly new crisis. The coronavirus has exploded onto the world scene with devastating consequences. The quickly spreading virus has created a huge threat to the population of Wuhan, the epicenter of the corona outbreak, killing over a thousand and infecting many more.

The Coronavirus Crisis

Cases of coronavirus (also known as COVID-19, 2019-ncov, and novel coronavirus) have also been popping up around the world, including in the U.S. Coronavirus symptoms appear much like a cold or flu, and can be difficult to spot initially. So extreme quarantines and travel bans have been enacted to prevent the spread. Currently, no vaccine is available to stop the corona breakout.

Coronvirus crisis in Wuhan China.

Fighting the Corona Breakout

But take heart! Coronavirus charity efforts are making a difference. Thanks to you, Operation Blessing is hard at work battling the coronavirus. You are sending critical supplies to Wuhan during this dangerous time, including approximately 22,000 masks and thousands of protective suits. With your faithful support, we will continue to monitor the situation and help as much as we possibly can.

Pray for Victims in Wuhan, China

In the meantime, please pray for those infected by the virus and those in susceptible areas. Pray for governments to enact wise policies to stop the spread. Pray for medical professionals to find solutions and prevent deaths. And pray for those risking their safety to care for the suffering.

Thank you again for your support. If you’d like to give a special gift to help victims of crisis and disaster, please visit our disaster relief donation page.

Blessing the Vulnerable in Japan During COVID-19

By Don Thomson, National Director of Operation Blessing Japan

The coronavirus pandemic has hit virtually every country in the world. Even Japan, with its high standards of hygiene and social etiquette where many are accustomed to wearing facial masks to prevent spread of flu and colds even during ordinary times, has not been immune.

Many medical and welfare institutions have found their supplies of disinfectant dwindling, with no hope in sight for replenishing. These institutions include homes for the elderly, handicapped service agencies, day care centers, nursing homes, home care nursing service agencies, orphanages, kindergartens, child care centers, agencies that work with the homeless, and others that serve the vulnerable.

We at Operation Blessing Japan considered what we could do to help meet this need, and thanks to friends like you, we were able to make a difference. Trying to find disinfectant among dwindling supplies in the nation was not really an option. So we started to think, was there any way for us to actually produce our own disinfectant?

Chlorine Production Makes a Difference

The team at Operation Blessing Japan working to bless the vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis.

I was familiar with Operation Blessing’s projects in other countries for producing chlorine, using salt and water with electrolysis equipment. This method had been highly effective as a disinfectant during the Ebola crisis back in 2014 – 2015 and was being produced at a number of OB offices around the world even in this crisis. I began to wonder if this was something we could also do in Japan. Producing chlorine had never been on our radar, as there really was never a need in this advanced country. But now the situation was different.

After doing some research, I found a local Japanese company that made the very equipment we needed. Hoshizaki Corporation, a major brand in equipment used by food manufacturers, kitchens in restaurants, hospitals, and other types of institutions, had a newly released machine that would produce free-flowing, safe, yet stable, and powerful type of chlorine called Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water (SAEW).

Producing Chlorine for Disinfecting During COVID-19

Making and distributing chlorine.

SAEW is a novel disinfectant, known to be effective against viruses and other pathogens. The machine offered by Hoshizaki produces chlorine at a rate of 4 liters a minute using electrolysis. The equipment is simply attached to a water supply, a small tank of hydrochloric acid and salt solution, and a power outlet. 10 liters (2.5 gallons) of solution will produce 5,200 liters (1300 gallons) of virus-busting chlorine.

Our team put together a distribution plan, and reached out to our partners and contacts across Japan, serving vulnerable communities. The chlorine produced at our base in Fukushima is stocked in 20-liter (5 gallon) plastic tanks, and then sent directly to the requesting institution by a door-to-door express trucking service.

Just in the first three weeks since starting the project we delivered 2,720 liters (680 gallons) to 133 institutions, all over Japan, serving a total of over 12,000 beneficiaries. The response has been overwhelming, with many more requests coming in from as far north as Hokkaido, and from Okinawa in the south, with the biggest concentrations in the Tokyo and Kansai areas which have been hit the most from the virus.

Distributing Disinfectant to Those in Need

Distributing disinfecting supplies to help the vulnerable in Japan.

We are receiving email messages of thanks from the directors of these institutions who are ecstatic with the speedy and timely support friends like you made possible. Japan’s national broadcaster, NHK, featured our unique project on their 5 o’clock evening news television programs on April 28, which reached up to an estimated 2.3 million households.

Thank you to all those who gave and are continuing to give to this important project, to help the vulnerable in Japan. Your support will build a sense of community and deliver hope throughout the country. This project is being done in partnership with SAP Japan who provided a significant donation to launch the project. SAP SE is one of Europe’s largest business-to-business software development companies with over 50,000 employees around the world.

Conoly Phillips – Beloved Friend and Servant Leader

Conoly Phillips was a close friend of CBN since the early 1960s. Pat Robertson personally led him to the Lord over lunch at a Norfolk, Virginia, restaurant in 1964. His struggling automobile business later became one of the most successful dealerships on the East Coast. 

A humble man with a passion for souls, Conoly traveled to Bogota, Colombia, for the opening of CBN’s first international radio station. He was called to run for Norfolk City Council and earned the support of the Christian community, serving from 1976 to 1980, and from 1986 to 2002. He was instrumental in ridding Norfolk of pornographic bookstores and paved the way for downtown revitalization. Conoly began the tradition of opening City Council meetings with prayer, saying, “Never be anywhere of importance without a call from the Lord.” He made an unsuccessful bid for a U.S. Senate seat in 1978, considering his campaign “a ministry of the Lord in calling Christians to active political participation.”

Throughout his personal writings, Conoly Phillips acknowledged God’s hand on his life, business and family. In his later years, he served on the board of directors for Operation Blessing since 2014, on the Regent University board from 1991-1995, as chairman from 2008-2011, and again as a member from 2013 to the present. He also served numerous philanthropic and civic organizations.

Pat Robertson said, “I am saddened by the passing of my dear friend, Conoly Phillips. He has been a dear friend of mine for decades, and his wife is a shining example of someone totally committed to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Conoly was a pioneer in marketing, a pioneer in the sale of automobiles, a pioneer in Christian political involvement, and a pioneer to the faith community.  I prayed with Conoly before his passing and asked that God would send the angels to carry His beloved son to his heavenly resting place. I can say with great confidence that this wonderful man is now fully alive and rejoicing in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

We will deeply miss Conoly’s mentorship and encouragement. He trusted God and sought Him daily. Our love is with Betsy and his family.  

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made at, select “Scholarship Fund”, and note “In memory of Conoly Phillips” in the text box or special instructions.  Mail-in gifts can be sent to Regent University, Office of Advancement, 1000 Regent University Dr, ADM 128, VA Beach, VA 23463 (757.352.4773) with a notation of “In Memory of Conoly Phillips” in the memo line.

Heavenlight Finds Healing

TANZANIA – Heavenlight’s mother welcomed her into the world as a beautiful—and seemingly whole—child. Then, when Heavenlight was 2 months old, her mother found a bump on the baby’s head. Little did she know that it was a condition called Encephalocele, and that it would lead to the need for child brain surgery.

She didn’t think much of it at first, but instead of healing, the bump grew larger over time. It was filling with cerebrospinal fluid and this would eventually require surgery to have it removed.

The Brain Bump, a Symptom of Encephalocele, Did Not Go Away

Her mother worried about her and tried to protect the bump as Heavenlight grew to the age that she wanted to play. And as Heavenlight developed speech, she would touch her head and say, “Mommy, get this off.” Her mother began to understand how truly dangerous it could be, and looked everywhere for help, not really understanding that the brain malformity was a serious condition with far reaching consequences for this child’s brain development.

As it turned out, the bones on Heavenlight’s skull, covering her brain, had never fused properly, and brain fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid, had built up there. This condition is called Encephalocele, and over time, her brain could actually begin growing through the hole, and she would likely develop mental disabilities if the condition wasn’t taken care of. 

Successful Brain Child Surgery

Young Heavenlight Needed Child Brain Surgery

Her mother grew desperate once she realized Heavenlight needed child brain surgery, because she had no way to afford it. She said, “I prayed God would make a way for us,” and she continued to search for a solution.

Child Brain Surgery Was Available At Operation Blessing Supported Arusha Lutheran Medical Center

Then she learned about an Operation Blessing supported hospital called Arusha Lutheran Medical Center. Thanks to your generosity, Heavenlight got the brain surgery she so badly needed free of charge! The malformity caused by the brain condition known as Encephalocele was repaired. “She recovered completely,” her mother happily reported. “I am so relieved and at peace now.” 

Heavenlight also noticed the difference right away. She smiled and said, “It’s gone now.” She’ll be able to safely play and attend school like all the other children. This Encephalocele surgery has made all the difference and was made possible by your love and support. Heavenlight’s future is as bright as her name, all thanks to friends like you. 


Coronavirus Pandemic – Hunger Relief in the U.S.

VIRGINIA: The coronavirus pandemic has brought more than just illness to our world. It’s caused panic, heartache, and financial crisis as well. With quarantine and social distancing measures in place throughout the world, many have lost their sources of income and struggled to find food on the grocery store shelves.

Food Distribution in Times of Crisis

But thanks to faithful friends like you, Operation Blessing has been actively feeding the hungry for decades! And during this changing time of crisis, we continue to look for innovative ways to get food into the hands of the hungry around the world.

Here in the U.S., our hunger strike force regularly sends out semi-trucks full of literally tons of free groceries! The food is then delivered to our distribution partners throughout the country and given to those in need. The sick, the elderly, the disabled, the unemployed and the working poor can all receive the nutrition they desperately need.

During this time of crisis, we won’t back down with our hunger relief efforts—instead, thanks to you, we’re ramping them up to meet the growing need around us. As many school children stay at home and millions find themselves recently unemployed, with your help, we’re determined to bless as many as we can.

COVID-19 Crisis Causes Food Shortages

Grateful recipients have been sharing the food you supplied with elderly neighbors and kids in need. You are making a huge difference in this difficult time!

In this time of the coronavirus pandemic you’ve also been supplying medical protective gear and disinfectant supplies all around the world, as well as continuing our work in supplying the clean water essential for good health and hygiene.

Thank you again for your heart of love and faithful giving that makes this food distribution possible.

Watch Hunger Relief During COVID-19

Learn About Operation Blessing’s Worldwide Hunger Relief Program

You Gave Clean Water and Fresh Food to a Boy in Need

MEXICO – Not far from Guadalajara lies Lake Chapala, the largest freshwater lake in Mexico. Surrounded by mountains and green hills, the lake’s beauty attracts tourists, vacationers and retirees from nearby cities and around the world. Along the lakeshore, numerous towns and villages rely on the lake for fish and for water.

Polluted Water From Lake Chapala And The Need For Clean Water Solutions

But Lake Chapala’s scenic views hide a deadly secret—heavy metals. Flowing down the Lerma River from numerous industrial operations, the heavy metals, along with other toxic substances, empty into the lake, making its polluted water unsafe to drink and its fish unsafe to eat.

For the poor living in communities along the lake, the water’s toxicity has had devastating consequences, especially for children and the need for new clean water solutions has never been more critical. OB staff receive many reports of birth defects, kidney disease, and stymied mental development among residents. But there are other issues here too. Malnutrition and lack of healthy food create constant problems for adults and children alike. One of the roots of chronic malnutrition is the polluted lake water, which makes growing safe food difficult in the area.

Your Support Helps Provide Clean Water Solutions

With all they faced, the poor villages on the lake needed help. That’s when YOU sent Operation Blessing. Thanks to your support, teams from OB Mexico began working to provide clean water solutions and improve nutrition along the lake. These efforts brought Operation Blessing staff to the El Chalpicote elementary school where we met seven-year-old Carlos.

Clean Water Solution From A Rainwater Catchment System

Carlos is a rambunctious and fun-loving little boy, who enjoys chasing his friends around the school during recess. He, like the other children at the school, lives close to Lake Chapala and has had limited access to healthy food and clean water. Thanks to the kind and compassionate support of Operation Blessing friends like you, OB Mexico staff installed a rainwater catchment system at El Chalpicote, so that Carlos and his friends can have clean water to drink.

Not only that, OB partners built an organic garden at Carlos’ school. You provided nutrition and gardening classes so that Carlos and his classmates can learn how to grow nutritious food and eat a well-balanced diet. At first Carlos seemed a bit wary of vegetables, instead preferring potato chips as his snack of choice. However, after getting to participate in the classes and in planting the veggies, Carlos became excited to try them all. When harvest time came, Carlos was the first to try the lettuce, and he loved it!

It’s only because of the faithful and generous support of Operation Blessing partners like you that we can bring life-changing clean water and hunger relief to people like Carlos. Thank you for showing God’s love to the poor in Mexico, the U.S., and around the globe!

Back on Track after the Nashville Tornado

TENNESSEE – Years ago, Patrice received the amazing blessing of a Habitat for Humanity home. She, along with her three daughters and first grandchild, settled into the community, built strong ties, and many loving memories in that home. More recently, she enjoyed caring for her great-grandchildren in the same house. But a violent tornado nearly took it all away.

Patrice didn’t hear any sirens that night. Then she heard a sound like explosions. The house started shaking and windows shattered. Once she realized what was happening, she felt as if God told her to move and take shelter in a safer area of the house, where she rode out the storm. After the tornado passed, it took her awhile to push past the debris blocking her front door. “When I stepped out here,” she said, “I was just dumbstruck.”

Operation Blessing staff and volunteers tarping Patrice's damaged roof.

Unlike some of the homes nearby, Patrice’s house still stood, but the tornado had taken part of the roof and left the interior and yard in shambles. Patrice explained that because she’s disabled, she had no idea how to get her home back in order.

When the Operation Blessing team arrived, she felt incredibly relieved. They quickly got to work clearing debris, tarping her roof, covering her windows, and helping her sort through the rubble in her home, finding some cherished items along the way. “I’m just very blessed by everyone who came out from Operation Blessing…because I didn’t have a clue,” she said.

Patrice surrounded by volunteers.

Nashville Tornado Recovery Efforts…Thanks To You

Thanks to you, OB workers and hundreds of volunteers provided disaster recovery to the people of the Nashville area. You also sent over 30,000 pounds of groceries to local food pantries, and made it possible to deliver pillows, sheets, blankets and towels donated by Ikea to those in need after the tornado.

Patrice said, “You just don’t know how much I appreciate you guys being here, being so supportive. God sent an angel, and then sent all the rest of the angels—you guys.” She now feels back on track to move forward with her life. And to all of you who made this possible, she said, “I love you!”


During times of crisis and disaster victims desperately need your help. Click here to make an online donation today. Your gift can make a huge difference. Thank you for your compassion to bless the hurting.

You Can Give Justa a Miracle

“Can the Lord not hear my cry?” Justa asks through tears. Justa and the members of the remote community of Pistuni, Peru need your help. For years, these people have walked for hours each day to reach their only source of water: a muddy hole in the ground. The contaminated water causes severe illness among the families, but they have no choice. But YOU can be the miracle these people desperately need. By partnering with Operation Blessing, you can give Justa a state-of-the-art water purification system. Go to to learn more. 


Your support is critical to providing relief for the hungry, water for the thirsty, medical care for the sick, disaster relief for those in crisis, and so much more. Click here to make an online donation today and let your gift make a significant impact in the lives of those who urgently need it.