FLORIDA – After Hurricane Idalia hit vulnerable neighborhoods in Florida, several volunteers joined the Operation Blessing disaster relief team to aid families in need. This is the second disaster that Crystal has volunteered with Operation Blessing. She said, “These people had tragic events in their life, and they needed someone to care, someone to step forward, someone to let them know that God was still listening, that God was still watching, and God was there to rescue.”

Caring Volunteers Aid Hurricane Idalia Victims Like Tom And Dee
Crystal and the team arrived at Thomas and Dee’s home in Homosassa. Immediately, Tom and Dee felt the compassion and care of the Operation Blessing volunteers. Thomas told us, “Operation Blessing is one of the best caring groups of humanity.” He continued, “Even though I lost a lot of material things, the care I’m seeing far outweighs.” When we walked into Tom and Dee’s house, it was saturated by water. Debris had floated onto their property.
With the support of Operation Blessing partners, our volunteers went into the home, gutted the bathrooms and kitchen, and then removed the office furniture that had been destroyed. Crystal remarked, “There was hope that was not there when we walked in. Tom’s countenance changed–far more positive and looking forward to tomorrow.”
With tears in his eyes, Tom said, “In my years, I can’t say I appreciate anything more than what you guys have done for us.” He continued, “Seeing a group of people helping me and others has made me realize there’s a good side to everything.”
Crystal shared her love of the volunteer experience. “These people are in true desperate need, and they find love in our help. Something so simple as cleaning up a bathroom for an elderly couple or mucking out a storage building can mean so much.”

Finally, Crystal said, “What more could we really ask for that we’ve had an impact on someone’s life and made their life a little better?”
You can be part of changing lives after a disaster strikes when you partner and volunteer with Operation Blessing. Find out how when you visit www.ob.org/disaster-relief and www.ob.org/volunteer today!