UNITED STATES – Stacie is no stranger to hard times. When COVID-19 social isolation hit the United States, Stacie made the hard choice. She decided to stay sheltered at home to protect her health. But she was not shaken. As a widow, Stacie has already endured extreme hardship, losing both her husband and son several years ago. Now Stacie faced the daunting reality of social distancing due to COVID-19. That, with the burden of having lost a husband and son, was a lot to bear. The emotional strain was compounded by the new challenge of dealing with COVID-19 social isolation. Even as the coronavirus pandemic spread through the United States, her faith kept her grounded.
The Challenge Of COVID-19 Social Isolation As A Widow
Being alone as a widow during COVID-19, Stacie did not often venture out of her home, making it difficult to access food. But thanks to YOU, and an Operation Blessing partner, Outreach for Christ, Stacie received food in her desperate time of need! Volunteers traveled to her home, delivering packages full of nourishing food items to sustain her while she shelters-in-place. Thank you for your heart to care for men and women all over the country struggling at this time with the burden of social isolation.