Heartbreak in Haiti

HAITI – Special Report by Eric Lotz, director of OB Haiti

Heartbroken. That’s how I felt yesterday as I listened to the community leader at Bois Negresse, Haiti, speak the painful truths about his community’s plight.

I began the day earlier than normal, with my alarm clock set to 4:00 am. I had some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and protein bars already packed, counting on them to sustain me through the long day. My goal was to reach the Pine Forest area of rural Haiti and return again all in the same day, after visiting the two Operation Blessing mobile medical clinics.

Eric Lotz, director of OB Haiti

The narrow and rocky mountain roads required every ounce of capability from the 4X4 SUV that I was driving, and tested my limits as I attempted to wind safely through the dangerous hillsides. Six hours later, I arrived in Bois Negresse, an extremely remote mountain village in the eastern part of Haiti, close to its border with the Dominican Republic. The village is perched on the side of a mountain about one mile above sea level.

Desperate Need in Haitian Mountains

There I found beautiful mountain views, amazing panoramas of the valley below, productive garden plots, and lush tree groves which produce revolving crops of avocado, breadfruit, mango, and oranges. The village is almost a spot of paradise, except for one major missing component—there is no health clinic.

Mountain view from remote village in Haiti with extreme medical need.

Upon arriving, I struck up a conversation with the community leader, Augustine Calistal. I asked him to explain for me the importance of the Operation Blessing medical clinic that was going on behind us. He succinctly and somberly explained the situation in his village. “When someone has a fever or serious illness, more often than not the only place we can send them is to the cemetery,” he said with a broad sweep of his hand toward that final resting place.

Remote Haitian village with much medical need.

Mr. Calistal went on to explain more of the difficulty. The closest medical clinic is a three hour walk over treacherous landscape. I had experienced some of this terrain myself as I made my drive that morning. I understood well how the cemetery would become the only option for those too sick to muster the strength for the three-hour hike.

Medical Care Makes a Huge Difference

Because of you, Operation Blessing spent two days in Bois Negresse bringing much needed medical care. Four doctors, three nurses, and two pharmacists comprised the team that treated 568 residents of the surrounding community. For many of the children, this was their first time being seen by a pediatrician. Another first was for the women of the community, who received their first screenings for cervical cancer, an illness with a high occurrence in Haiti. Operation Blessing treated many acute and chronic conditions, and educated the residents on the importance of diet and exercise with regard to their health.

I was truly heartbroken for the community as Mr. Calistal had illustrated with one sweep of his arm the extent of options his community had for the sick. But my heart was also warmed in knowing that Operation Blessing partners are helping to meet a very real need for them. Because of the generosity of our donors, we were able to bring not only life-saving medical care, but also hope. The people of Bois Negresse now know that they are not alone in their plight.


Extreme Home Makeover – Operation Blessing Style!

NORTH CAROLINA – Divya, Terry, and their twelve-year-old son Lucas lived through the heartache of seeing their home in Lumberton, NC, destroyed not once, but twice by hurricane flooding. But thanks to The Home Depot Foundation and Operation Blessing supporters like you, their tragedy is turning to triumph through an extreme home makeover they never imagined.

This family of three who had been struck by two hurricanes just received an extreme home makeover from Operation Blessing and The Home Depot.

Divya grew up in Lumberton, and she received her grandmother’s house when she passed away. That place was very special to her and always takes her back to her childhood. She said simply, “It’s home.” So when Hurricane Matthew struck in 2016, the family decided to repair their home and stay put.

They felt certain that Matthew had been a once in a hundred years’ storm. They worked hard to get their home back into shape. Meanwhile, Divya continued working at her small salon in town, and Terry as a corrections officer.

Divya was left this home in Lumberton, North Carolina, by her grandmother.

When Hurricane Florence headed their way this year, they thought their house would be fine. Still, they heeded the warnings to get to higher ground just to make sure they didn’t get trapped. And they took all the precautions they could to protect their house.

It wasn’t until after the worst of the storm, when a nearby river crested later that week, that tragedy struck for a second time. Divya experienced the heartache of seeing her home destroyed with contaminated water and mold once again. She said, “For lack of a better word, it’s a disaster…. I was kind of numb. You don’t want it to be true.”

Facing the flooding with no flood insurance for the second time proved truly challenging for the family. But they managed to maintain their faith. In the midst of it all Divya quoted Romans 8:28. “’All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.’ So that’s where I’m finding peace.”

Divya greeting the Operation Blessing disaster relief volunteers who helped with her flood damaged home.

As Operation Blessing disaster relief volunteers showed up on the scene to help remove flooring, sheet rock, and damaged items from the home, matters began to look up for the family. At the time, Divya said, “Thank you to those who give…. I’m grateful and my heart is leaping. I have some hope now.”

Little did they suspect the relief they received at that time was just the beginning of the blessings in store! On November 27th the couple had a chance to attend The Tonight Show. But they had no idea the surprise waiting for them.

An Operation Blessing disaster relief volunteer helping with Divya's flooded home.

Jimmy Fallon asked them to stand and share a little about their story. Then, to their shock, he announced that The Home Depot Foundation and Operation Blessing would be completely restoring their home. Divya cried as he explained they would receive a new roof, insulation, furnace, flooring, appliances, landscaping, furniture, and more! Then their son Lucas surprised them to join in for a big hug. Check out the heartwarming video.

Once the full extent of the damage to their home was discovered, it was determined that the family would need to move into another, safer home in their town that Operation Blessing and The Home Depot would help fix up. Then Home Depot and Operation Blessing volunteers renovated and refurnished it. This week, the extreme home makeover — known in OB circles as an Extreme Blessing — will be revealed.


NORTH CAROLINA – Divya, Terry, and their twelve-year-old son Lucas lived through the heartache of seeing their home in Lumberton, NC, destroyed not once, but twice by hurricane flooding. But thanks to The Home Depot Foundation and Operation Blessing supporters like you, their tragedy is turning to triumph through an extreme home makeover they never imagined.

You Sent Relief After Historic Floods in Nebraska

NEBRASKA – When historic flooding inundated much of the Midwest earlier this year, the destruction was beyond what many residents had ever experienced. “In 20 years I’ve never had [water] get up into the cabin,” said Jack, a long time resident of the area. “But the floods just came through and did a lot of damage to a lot of houses around here.”

Linda, another long-time resident, echoed Jack’s sentiment. “Even as a child I can’t remember Fremont being surrounded by water like it was,” she said. “Now everything is destroyed.”

For flood victims like these, the task of cleaning up and rebuilding can be incredibly overwhelming. But, thanks to faithful Operation Blessing friends like you, Nebraskans like Jack and Linda did not have to face these challenging times alone.

Debris in front of a flooded home in Nebraska

As soon as the waters began to recede, Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief team arrived on the scene. They set up headquarters at Good Shepherd Church in Fremont, Neb., and the call for volunteers went out.

It wasn’t long before teams of blue-shirted Operation Blessing volunteers were arriving at homes like Jack’s and Linda’s. They tackled the laborious work of tearing up ruined floors, cutting out soaked drywall and insulation, and hauling off water-logged furniture and appliances. Volunteers also helped grieving families sort through and recover treasured memories and possessions.

Jack and his son, TJ, stand in front of their flooded home in Nebraska.

Flood victims were thankful for the help. “We are so appreciative to Operation Blessing for coming and helping us,” Jack said. Linda shared a similar sentiment. “We can’t say enough thank-yous for you guys to come and help us out like this.”

OB staff and volunteers work to clean out a flood damaged home in Winslow, Nebraska.

Thanks to your generous support, and the selflessness of all the Operation Blessing volunteers, flood victims in some of the hardest hit areas of Nebraska have received help, relief and hope during a very hard and painful time. Thank you for your kindness and compassion that is touching lives in Nebraska and around the world!

Venezuela Humanitarian Crisis

COLOMBIA – The country of Venezuela is facing a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. As seen in the news headlines, Venezuelan families urgently need food, electricity, medical care, and other vital supplies. People are hungry, suffering and even dying. They are truly victims of an unimaginable man-made catastrophe in their country. But thanks to you, Operation Blessing is on the ground in Colombia responding to the desperate cries for help coming out of the Venezuela humanitarian crisis.

Refugees Flee Crisis

Venezuelan refugees crossing illegally due to the Venezuela humanitarian crisis.

At the Colombian border, floods of refugees are making the dangerous illegal crossing due to the crisis in Venezuela. As one of the Venezuelan refugees, six-year-old Joel, put it, “There was no food there.” These families are traversing rivers and facing violent government gangs and drug cartels as they flee the desperate situation. But they’re willing to do anything to save their children and their own lives.

Desperate Venezuelan refugees look exhausted as they hold their child.

A young man named Javier fleeing Venezuela said, “Before people when people migrated, they prepared…. But now people are so desperate, they just grab the first thing they have and come.” He watched families fleeing without even proper clothing. And he believes the Venezuela crisis will continue to get much, much worse.

Operation Blessing Provides Humanitarian Aid

Huge mobs of refugees fleeing the crisis in Venezuela.

Upon Operation Blessing’s arrival at the Colombian border, our team quickly identified refugees, including families with small kids, traveling long distances on the edge of highways at night in search of relief. Our team immediately began handing out solar lights to help keep these travelers safe. They also noticed urgent unmet needs for medical care, clean water, and hygiene supplies.

Venenzuelan refugees receive solar lights from Operation Blessing along a dangerous road.

Because of your support, a full OB disaster relief team deployed for the Colombian border. Working with refugee stations that organizations like YWAM Colombia had already set up along the way, Operation Blessing medical teams quickly got to work caring for these Venezuelans in great need.

Relief for Exhausted Venezuelan Refugees

An Operation Blessing medical station to help Venezuelan refugees along the road in Colombia.

Many of the refugees suffered from skin disorders, leg pain, and back pain after their long journey. Operation Blessing staff attended to the sore and injured feet of those who had walked so far to safety. Others needed attention for serious health conditions and were thankful to find medical care.

During this time, thanks to OB friends like you, the team continued distributing solar lights. They brought joy to the downtrodden children with Superbook programs. And they tackled providing clean water solutions to the shelters and refugee camps, starting with a busy outpost near the border.

Providing Water, Food, and Medical Relief

An Operation Blessing worker installs a safe water system for Venezuelan refugees.

Once basic care was established, you also provided a party with entertainment and hamburgers—a rare treat for these refugees—to encourage and uplift them. And you set up a priceless baby feeding station for the youngest and most vulnerable children who have been lacking proper nourishment for far too long.

You are making a true difference in the midst of this horrific Venezuela crisis. You are giving hope to the desperate and putting smiles on the faces of children in need. Please consider giving a special gift for Venezuelan refugees today. Thank you!

Clean Water for Venezuelan Refugee Shelter

PAMPLONA, COLOMBIA – For the thousands of families fleeing Venezuela, access to clean water is scarce. Even in the shelters many struggle with dehydration or sickness from drinking unclean water. Thanks to our generous partners, Operation Blessing was able to install a water purification system at Marta’s shelter to aid in hydration and healing for suffering children. To see how you can bless crisis victims like these, visit ob.org/crisis.

Learn more about the Venezuela humanitarian crisis.

You Helped Them Find New Life in a New Land

Wisam with his wife and family - persecuted Christians who fled Iraq for a new life in a new land.

JORDAN – It seems like a lifetime ago, but once upon a time Wisam had a good job in Mosul, Iraq, that allowed him to support his wife, Anwar, and their eight children. The family lived in a Christian community and enjoyed a good life together. Then, ISIS came.

Persecuted Christians in Iraq

The attack was brutal. Tragically, ISIS killed one of Wisam and Anwar’s daughters. Wisam was handcuffed and taken away from his family.

A Christian church in Jordan.

The ISIS attackers imprisoned Wisam in an underground borehole without food for over 72 hours. Thankfully, U.S. Army forces rescued Wisam, and he was reunited with his wife and children. Shortly thereafter, the whole family escaped to neighboring Jordan.

Refugees in Jordan

Unfortunately, their problems did not end when they left Iraq. In Jordan, the family is classified as visitors, and not refugees, by the United Nations. As visitors, they cannot receive benefits or protections from UN programs, and their only option was to move into a rented one-bedroom apartment in Amman. To make matters worse, visitors are not legally allowed to work in Jordan, which left Wisam with no way to support his family. With no money coming in, the children couldn’t go to school.

One of Wisam's sons eating dinner.

Things were looking bleak for this Christian refugee family who had already endured so much. “To be honest, I had nothing to feed my children,” Wisam said. That’s when Operation Blessing supporters like you became an answer to prayer for Wisam and his family.

You Sent Humanitarian Aid

Since 2015, Operation Blessing has been working with church leaders in Jordan to bring hope and relief to persecuted Christians and refugees from Iraq. Father Khalil, one of these church leaders, met Wisam and Anwar and connected them with OBI.

Wisam's children dressed in uniforms for school - part of their new life in a new land.

Through Operation Blessing supporters, the family received food supplies, winter clothes, a gas heater, and more! Not only that, OBI provided for the school-aged children to attend a local Operation Blessing-supported Christian school, including tuition, transportation, uniforms, school supplies, and even school lunches. “I was happy that my kids are now able to receive an education with your support,” said Wisam, who now helps at the school as a maintenance worker.

Now, after months of tragedy, turmoil, and persecution, Wisam, Anwar, and their children are settling into their new home. It may be small, but thanks to friends like you, it’s got everything they need.

Wisam's happy kids.

Catastrophe in Southern Africa – Cyclone Idai

ZIMBABWE – Recently, catastrophic Cyclone Idai hit southern Africa as one of the worst disasters to ever strike that area.

The cyclone first rolled into Mozambique on March 4th, and continued it’s path of devastation over Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, lasting weeks. Winds exceeded 100mph, and at some points floods reached as high as 18 feet. The death toll has currently reached over 750, with many still missing or in need of rescue. Officials suspect that millions have been affected by Cyclone Idai.

Landslide following Cyclone Idai in southern Africa.

Thanks to you, Operation Blessing is responding to a hard hit area of Zimbabwe where the needs are great. Over 20,000 homes have been destroyed. Meanwhile, bridges have been swept away, and mudslides cover access roads. In this area many residents survived on rooftops. And they fear water-borne illness might breakout.

The government of Zimbabwe is heading up rescue missions and food distributions, but they still need so much help! In response to a request, Operation Blessing is sending a team to provide disaster relief such as solar lights, aquatabs, and safe water filtration systems to clean the water. And we’re prepared to provide assistance in other areas such as food, hygiene items, and medical care as the needs become clear. Check back for updates on our disaster response to Zimbabwe.

Please keep the people of southern Africa in your prayers. You can give a special gift to disaster victims in need today.

Relief for Venezuelan Refugees

COLOMBIA – Due to an overwhelming humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, citizens are fleeing the border to Colombia in search of food, relief, and a chance at a better life. These refugees risk dangers like government gangs and drug cartels at illegal crossings because they simply must find a way to save themselves and their starving children. They are truly victims of an unimaginable situation in their country. And Operation Blessing partners are responding to their desperate cries for help.

The dirty injured foot of a young Venezuelan refugee.

After an advanced disaster relief team assessed the situation and passed out solar lights to protect refugees who travel long distances along highways at night in search of relief, a full team headed for the Colombian border. Working with relief stations that respectable organizations, like YWAM Colombia, had already set up along the way, Operation Blessing medical teams quickly set to work caring for these Venezuelans in great need.

Medical Care for Refugees in Need

Medical care for a Venezuelan refugee.

Many suffered from skin disorders, leg pain, and back pain after their long journey. Others needed care for serious health conditions, and were thankful to find medical care.

During this time, thanks to you, the team kept distributing the priceless solar lights. They encouraged and brought joy to the downtrodden children with Superbook programs. And they also continued planning to bring the best clean water solutions to Venezuelan refugees in shelters and refugee camps, starting with a clean water station at the YWAM outpost near the border.

Venezuelan refugees walk on a highway in the dark with solar lamps from Operation Blessing.

Your help is making a true difference in the midst of this horrific humanitarian crisis. You are giving hope to the desperate and putting smiles on the faces of children in need. Please consider giving a special gift for crisis victims during this urgent time.

Learn more about the Venezuela humanitarian crisis.

World Water Day and Every Day

WORLDWIDE – We join with the international community in celebrating World Water Day on March 22nd.

Because of you, every day is a water day at Operation Blessing, where we strive to provide clean water solutions for those in need around the world. We approach each unique situation with a fresh eye to provide the best solution possible, whether in the deserts of Judea, the mountains of Haiti, remote villages in Latin America, or areas recovering from natural disasters.

Give Water – Give Life

A boy splashing in fresh, clean water.

John 4:10-15 ESV

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

The woman said to him, “Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.”

Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Battling the Venezuela Humanitarian Crisis

CUCUTA, Colombia – The country of Venezuela is facing a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. As we’ve seen in the news headlines, Venezuelan families desperately need food, electricity, medical care, and other vital supplies. People are hungry, suffering, and even dying. But thanks to you, Operation Blessing is on the ground poised to help.

An Operation Blessing disaster relief team is on the ground in Colombia at the Venezuelan border assessing the situation and determining the best way Operation Blessing can help. At the border, floods of refugees are making the dangerous crossing into the country due to the Venezuela humanitarian crisis.

Map of border between Venezuela and ColombiaThese families are traversing rivers and risk violence as they flee the desperate situation. But they’re willing to do anything to save their lives and their children.

Relief Efforts for Venezuelan Refugees

Venezuelan refugees crossing the border.

There are desperate needs as the number of families fleeing rises. Operation Blessing is positioned to provide medical care, hygiene items, clean water solutions, and more. Already, the distribution of solar lamps has helped bring light to this dark situation.

Please consider making a special gift to help victims of humanitarian crisis and disaster today. Your support will help Operation Blessing respond to the crisis in Venezuela and other critical humanitarian and disaster emergencies around the world.

Learn more about the Venezuela humanitarian crisis.