Due to the extent and severity of the drought in Kenya, Operation Blessing has been providing hunger relief for months, but so much more help is still needed. Villagers are able to survive the lingering effects of the devastating drought because of the kindness of our partners. Friends like you can make a huge difference for families in need across the country!

Hunger Relief For Tubcha Village Families
Diboya And Woromo
In the Marsabit region of Kenya, herding is a common way of life. Diboya and Woromo are small-scale herders living in remote Tubcha Village where they raise and sell livestock to provide for their family. The livestock depend on the land to graze, but this drought has scorched the landscape, turning the pasture lands into a wasteland. Without vegetation to eat, the animals starved and died. This left Diboya and Woromo with nothing to feed their family.

Then the terrible cruelty of famine set in as food scarcity led to starvation. Their children would sometimes go days without food. Meager help came from neighbors, but each day brought new challenges to their survival. Every day the family would wake up wondering where the next meal would come from. But that all changed when friends like YOU decided to help!

Diboya, Woromo, and their family received enough food from Operation Blessing to get through a month of drought. They were also given life-saving water backpacks to combat thirst, but more than anything else, Operation Blessing partners gave these starving families hope. Together, we showed them God’s love. And the generosity did not stop with their family. Operation Blessing also provided food and water to 150 other families in Tubcha village!

Tubcha Village is also home to Gulmato and her family. She, too, works with livestock, providing for her family by raising and selling goats and camels. The drought in Kenya had a catastrophic impact on her livelihood as well. Over 50 animals in her flock perished, and the surviving animals were dangerously thin. Food insecurity daily threatened to overwhelm Gulmato’s family.
As any good parent would, Gulmato worked hard to find a way to provide for her family. However, the time soon came that she was forced to borrow to pay bills, not unlike struggling families in Western countries. A local lender provided credit for a season, but that soon ran out. Now, this mother had to face the harshness of the drought with a heap of debt, no food, and no ability to get more credit.

Her family would go hungry. It is hard to imagine how Gulmato might have explained to her children that more hunger pangs and suffering were coming—all the while knowing it must be impossible for children to truly understand.
But friends like you refused to let this nightmare continue!
The Operation Blessing family chose to help. They prayed and gave to change Gulmato’s situation. Together, we helped give her family hope.

Faithful partners let their light shine in a dark situation! In response, the villagers sang praises as they received their food. Gulmato sang as well whilst preparing food for her young children. To them, that food was the difference between life and death, an amazing example of what God can do in our hearts when we heed the call to help our fellow man.