Philippine Earthquake Relief

PHILIPPINES: The past days had been difficult for the people of the Philippines. Three consecutive earthquakes shook their nation destroying homes, business establishments, infrastructures and farms.

Damage and crumbled buildings from the earthquake in the Philippines.

Tremors Rock the Philippines

The Cotabato area was first hit by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, followed by several aftershocks leaving 22 dead, 424 injured and 4,800 families traumatized and displaced.

Operation Blessing Friends Send Help

Operation Blessing Disaster Response team rushed in to help following the Philippine Earthquake. Thanks to your faithful support, we’ve distributing close to 1000 relief packs to affected families. They’ve received tents, blankets, food, hygiene kits, and medicines. In addition, you are supplying victims with clean water, medical care, trauma counseling, and vital encouragement.

The OB team has even been providing fun activities for the children, to keep them occupied and lift their spirits during this painful time.

Thank you for your ongoing support that enables us to respond quickly in disaster situations like the Philippine Earthquake. If you would like to give a special gift to disaster victims at this time, please visit

Ready to Love and Serve in Any Disaster

UNITED STATES – Thanks to you, Operation Blessing teams are ready to love and serve wherever and whenever we’re needed most. Today, we’d like to give you a behind the scenes peek at how that works.

Meet Lonnie Dushane, Operation Blessing’s new production chef. Lonnie is responsible for running our mobile kitchens during times of disaster. His work helps provide up to 3,000 meals a day at a disaster scene!

Lonnie has a background in both the restaurant business and military logistics. He’s also part of a close-knit family, including his wife Judy of 56 years and two sons. He owned and ran a restaurant with one son for seven years, which led to him supplying food to disaster zones. He also writes, speaks, and volunteers his time with drug addicts, the homeless, and abuse victims. Lonnie says, “I’m just an ordinary old man, but God opens the doors and I walk through them.”

Serving hot meals to disaster victims from our mobile kitchen.

Operation Blessing first ran into Lonnie following Hurricane Michael in Panama City Beach, Fla., when Lonnie had taken a food truck to the disaster site. Lonnie turned out to be a kindred spirit, and soon joined the OB team as a production chef. He manages our three mobile kitchens, which he keeps up to date with the most efficient equipment. And he stocks them full of supplies, including lots of spices to keep the meals tasty.

Today, Lonnie, the mobile kitchens and OB stay on the alert and ready to serve whenever needed. Lonnie says that while people often look for some huge monumental purpose in life, “My purpose is just to love everyone the best that I can.”

It’s why Lonnie, and so many like him—including compassionate partners like you—are a part of Operation Blessing.

You Give Water, And Water Means Life

HONDURAS – Honduras is such a beautiful place. The heart of Central America. It has stunning beauty: green everywhere, lots of mountains, many rivers. But there are many issues too.

Man walking in Honduras.

I find it striking when I learn there is no water in some of these places. Or there is water, but it’s not clean water. Or people don’t have access to water. Water is so important for us and for our bodies. It’s important for many aspects of life. But what happens to a family that doesn’t even have a faucet, or doesn’t have access to clean water?

A scene of jungle and a hut in rural Honduras.

When you see those beautiful children. When you meet the women here. You see how desperate they are, and how much they want help. And Operation Blessing is here to help them. Because water means life.

Clean water in Honduras.

It makes me think of all the great support Operation Blessing receives from generous friends out there like you. And that allows us to come to these beautiful places, because there is beauty all around here. But also great need. We’re able to tell the people of Honduras, “Hey, we can assist you because we’re supported by people who have great hearts. They live far away, but they say, ‘I want to help families like yours.’”

So, I want to say to you, thank you for your generosity that makes this work possible and reaches out to give the hurting this precious liquid—clean water.

*A Field Report by Hilda Romero, OB Director of Honduras

Transforming Lives for Patients in Need

TANZANIA – Meet adorable young Sadiki. His life has significantly changed—for the better—thanks to Operation Blessing friends like you. He is just one of the many happy people around the world to benefit from our powerful and transforming Life-Changing Surgeries (LCS) Program.

Sadiki's transforming surgery for his bowed legs will change his life.

Born into a low-income family in Tanzania, Sadiki is the youngest of four siblings. When this social and playful child was about one and a half, his mother started noticing a problem with his legs. At first they just seemed to curve slightly, but over time, the issue got worse. He walked with a limp and couldn’t run at all. When he attempted to walk far distances, he suffered pain in his bowed legs.

Sadiki desperately needed surgery to correct his legs, but between the vegetables his mother sold and his father’s small income as a garbage collector, his parents couldn’t begin to it afford it. That’s where YOU stepped in and changed everything!

Sadiki smiles with casts on his legs after his transforming surgery.

Not only for Sadiki, but for so many in need of transforming surgeries. Children and other individuals like Sadiki all over the world who can’t afford the operations they need get fresh starts thanks to you. They receive critical treatments that allow them to live healthy, productive lives. And in some cases, even save their lives.

Orthopedic Conditions: Patients with birth defects, deformities from trauma, and other disorders desperately need surgeries to allow them mobility like walking and running. These surgeries often help them overcome social stigmas. And in virtually all cases, the procedures prepare them to better learn, work, and support their future families.

Heart Problems: Congenital heart defects and other heart issues can threaten a patient’s life. While some survive, they experience a poor quality of life, unable to run, play or work. Even a little excitement can endanger them. But with the correct treatment and surgery, they can go on to live long, full lives!

Doctors operating in a life-changing surgery.

Cleft Lips and Palates: Although cleft lips and palates might seem like surface issues, they cause serious problems. Children often have a difficult time eating, drinking, and learning to speak. The condition can also stir up negative superstitions and cause seclusion. However, surgery gives them a better life.

Eye Issues: From cataracts, to crossed-eyes and more, eye issues keep people from experiencing so much of life. In areas of the world, these problems restrict learning and earning potential for the patients. That’s why we offer so many surgeries to restore the precious gift of sight.

Burns and Scarring: Burns and severe scarring can cause intense pain, limit mobility, and lead to social isolation. They can prevent children from growing strong and limit educational and job options. But thankfully, surgical solutions are available with a little help from friends like you.

Operation Blessing supporters put that smile on Sadiki's face.

And our Life-Changing Surgeries program isn’t limited! We’re ready to help with any treatable condition and change lives whenever possible. Today our young friend Sadiki is well on the mend. Soon he’ll be able to play and run just like all his other siblings. He and his parents truly appreciate this transforming gift. And your support of Operation Blessing put that adorable grin on his face.

If you’d like to help spread the word or make a special designated gift to the LCS program, please visit

Relief for Syrian and Kurdish Refugees

UPDATE 10/31 – The situation has continued to worsen. Entire people groups including Kurds, Yazidis, and Syrian Christians have been displaced from Northern Syria. Many Muslims have also fled the devastation in that area.

Both sides of the border with Iraq are overwhelmed by the tens of thousands of refugees. And thanks to you, Operation Blessing is still providing large quantities of relief kits and hot meals through the Barzani Charity Foundation. You’re sending entire conveys of supplies including blankets, water, food, and hygiene items to refugees in both Syria and Iraq.

One Barzani representative said, “If you talk to people here in Bardarash camp you will feel their sadness, their suffering. They’ve lost hope. This is the biggest problem for these people.” So thank you for sending a little bit of hope and a lot of help their way.

You can see updated photos of our outreach here. And please consider giving a special gift to help those in crisis.

Distributing aid packages to Kurdish and Syrian refugees.

UPDATE 10/21 – As the crisis unfolds nearly 10,000 refugees have already reached Iraqi Kurdistan, where many received help from Operation Blessing friends through the Barzani Charity Foundation. However, since many refugees fled to shelters within other parts of Syria, thanks to your support, the foundation is now taking the dangerous trek into Syria to deliver vital relief supplies there as well.

They’ve already brought approximately 20,000 blankets, 5,000 boxes of food, bottled water and other essential aid to these shelters in Syria. And they plan to continue sending many more convoys to the area.

The refugees are extremely grateful, not only for the supplies, but also to know that someone cares!

SYRIA – As Turkish forces advance into Northern Syria, a new humanitarian crisis is underway. Kurdistan’s largest NGO, the Barzani Charity Foundation, expects that tens of thousands of Syrian and Kurdish refugees will soon flood their area in Iraq.

The president of the organization, Musa Ahmed Agha said, “These displaced people will need food, hygiene kits, milk for the children, blankets and other supplies because most fled with little of their possessions in hand.”

Operation Blessing is preparing relief for the impending crisis even as it unfolds. We will be working closely with the Barzani Charity Foundation and providing essential aid kits. The kits will include food, hygiene items, milk, blankets and more to provide for the refugees immediate needs. One refugee said, “While the majority of NGOs have left, you came bringing your aid and that gives me hope that there are people who still care for us.”

The Kurdish relief agency greatly appreciates our support. Agha said, “This is an important partnership. We’ve worked together in the past to help protect the lives of the people in this region, so I am always happy when dear brothers who care for us want to help again.”

To support these Syrian and Kurdish refugees and many other victims worldwide in times of crisis, please visit And for the latest news go to

God’s Been Good

Field Report on Tropical Storm Imelda by Josh Blount:

TEXAS, USA – “It was devastating. I was in denial for two days,” said Texas native Debra as she faced a flooded home for the first time in her life, on top of many other challenges. But through it all, she also found that God is good.

A Storm Takes So Much

During Tropical Storm Imelda, a foot of water had rushed in and ruined her house. With no flood insurance, she’s had a hard time dealing with the damage left behind.

Debra's grandson Christian looks out the window of his flooded home.

Debra began attempting to clean destroyed walls, floors, and household items on her own while caring for her grandson, Christian. He’s staying with her because her daughter has been in the hospital with Sickle Cell Disease. Beyond all that, just a few months ago, Debra herself was in the hospital with Atrial Fibrillation. She had still been regaining her strength when Imelda hit.

The hardest part of the disaster for Debra was facing all the damage with no assistance. “I felt so lonely when all my neighbors had people helping them. And I was like, really, I got to do all of this by myself?” While sorting through the damage, she came across some pictures of her deceased mother. She said, “I was looking at her, and it was just me, God, and her.”

Debra smiles as she gets help after Imelda.

With a full-time job, Debra also struggled to find time to clean the damage out of her home. She took some vacation, but she was running out of opportunities to remove all of the moldy drywall and furniture from her house. She only had three days left before she would have to go back to work.

Through all this hardship from Imelda, Debra needed to rely on her relationship with God. “It really did overwhelm me, and then I started praying. I was like, God, help me to have faith and not to worry about it. You know some things they say you just got to let go. So I let go and let God.”

An OB worker plays with and encourages Debra's grandson.

Disaster Relief after the Flood

That’s when Operation Blessing showed up to help! “I just thank God that you all are here. I say my mamma is just sending angels to help me out.” Debra was so glad that we were able to come when we did. She said, “God is just right on time.”

Operation Blessing sent a team of volunteers to remove the molded drywall, sort through precious belongings, and provide spiritual support through prayer and community. Debra said, “I needed that prayer. That was confirmation that I will be okay and that you just have to wait for your blessings.”

OB workers pray with Debra and Christian.

Debra was such a joy to meet and she was so grateful for our help. When reflecting on the storm she told us, “I know it’s a blessing because God already knew it was going to happen. He’s taking care of everything, so I have to be patient and have faith that everything is going to be okay. I am so happy. God is good and that’s all I can say. He’s been good.”


During times of crisis and disaster victims desperately need your help. Click here to make an online donation today. Your gift can make a huge difference. Thank you for your compassion to bless the hurting.

Judah 1 – Serving in the Sky as We Serve on Ground

BAHAMAS – Ever since Hurricane Dorian slammed into the Bahamas, decimating multiple areas, Operation Blessing has been on the ground serving. But we never could have gotten there without friends like you, and without Judah 1 serving us in the skies.

A Judah 1 plane flying Operation Blessing to the Bahamas.

Judah 1 is a unique Christian aviation ministry dedicated to fulfilling the great commission. Their planes have delivered hundreds of missionaries and transported thousands of pounds of cargo. During times of crisis, their support of humanitarian organizations like Operation Blessing proves invaluable. Their motto says it all, “YOUR HANDS, GOD’S LOVE, OUR WINGS.”

Plane unloading humanitarian supplies in the Bahamas.

Following Hurricane Dorian, the greatest obstacle helpers faced was simply reaching the disaster zones. Judah 1 has partnered with Operation Blessing since shortly after the storm. They’ve not only assisted our staff in reaching the islands. They’ve also shipped large pallets full of supplies to the Bahamas for us.

Because of their assistance, we’ve been able to provide water purification systems, chlorine for cleaning mold, disaster recovery supplies, medical aid, repair supplies and more to desperate islanders—first as they struggled to merely survive, and now as they face the challenge of rebuilding their lives.

Humanitarian aid supplies.

Judah one has been with us through several deployments and stages of delivery. They also helped us fill Home Depot disaster buckets with additional items like food, hygiene supplies, and solar lights.

We’re so grateful to our many wonderful partners, like Judah 1, and like you! You make it possible for us to help the suffering during their darkest hours. Together, we’re making a huge difference in lives in the Bahamas. Thank you to Judah 1 and to all of you for sending your love to those in need.

Blessings Come Back in Their Time of Need

TEXAS, USA – One of the amazing experiences in disaster relief work is the opportunity to bless those who bless others. But rarely do we actually have a chance to bless someone who’s volunteered with us before—which is exactly what happened with Brenda from Beaumont.

Two years ago Brenda volunteered with us as we helped the good people of Beaumont recover after Hurricane Harvey. Not only did she work with us cleaning out damaged homes, but she also served victims with medical care.

Volunteers pray with Brenda after Imelda in Texas.

Then came Tropical Storm Imelda. According to the forecast, Imelda wouldn’t bring near the rain that Harvey had. And Brenda’s home had never flooded in over 60 years. But the morning of the storm, as Brenda enjoyed her coffee, water began to rush into the house. It covered her ankles and then the tops of her boots “just that quick.”

There was nowhere to escape because the whole surrounding area had flooded. So she and her family sat tight and prayed, hoping for the best. Thankfully, the family and the animals stayed safe, which was the truly important part. “Our dog was surfing on the mattress,” Brenda joked. But immediately after she broke down and said, “It’s devastating. It’s heartbreaking.”

Disaster relief worker carrying debris in Beaumont, Texas.

Although her home only received 6-8 inches of floodwater, it took days to recede. By that time, incredible damage had already occurred. And in the aftermath of the storm Brenda slipped, spraining her wrist and ankle. She and her husband Gerald faced an enormous challenge to come back from this disaster.

They needed help removing ruined sheet rock, paneling, flooring, cabinets, and more. “Of course I thought about Operation Blessing,” Brenda said, “because I had served with OB during Harvey. And I was hoping you guys would come back. And you did.”

A team of disaster relief workers surround Brenda and Gerald as the blessings come back to them.

The team arrived on the scene to help Brenda and her family, as well as many other Beaumont residents, with their recovery work. She felt truly thankful and blessed for all you’re doing to assist her community. She said, “You’re helping a whole lot of people who’ve lost everything…. Operation Blessing cares so much about the hearts, not just the houses.”

When asked how it felt to be a victim of this storm rather than a volunteer, Brenda said, “It’s humbling. You have your life right out on the street.”

Volunteer helps carry out heavy items.

As someone who has been on both sides of disaster relief, Brenda strongly encourages whoever is able, to volunteer with Operation Blessing. “Man can’t stop this from happening. But man can help.” She said, “You will get blessed more than the person you help. Trust me.”

During this difficult time, Brenda has found joy in catching up with old disaster relief friends and making new friends among the volunteers as well. She’s so thankful that the blessings have come back to her. In the true spirit of Southern hospitality, she said, “I wish I could fix you up a huge meal and serve you iced tea.”

In a final thought, she said, “Donate, donate, donate. Please donate to Operation Blessing, because they do so much for so many! And they can’t do it without your help.”

Ocracoke Recovery Efforts Still Going Strong

NORTH CAROLINA, USA – Grace and her husband Henry anxiously watched as Hurricane Dorian turned towards Ocracoke Island. This 69-year-old woman remembers the terror of riding out Hurricane Matthew. She had no intention of reliving that experience.

In Desperate Need of Disaster Relief

As she and Henry headed for her dad’s house in Connecticut, they prayed for their island. Grace and Henry kept waking up the night the storm barreled through Ocracoke. Even though safe in Connecticut, they were terrified about what might be happening back home.

Grace’s sister had remained on that island. With a house 10 feet in the air, she felt secure. So the moment the flood waters began raging, Grace knew about it. She thought it would be bad, but not even her sister’s accounts prepared her for the reality of the situation.

Flood damage in Grace's home.

“The flooding happened so fast,” said Grace. “I figured it would be more than Matthew for sure. But I didn’t think it would be this much. It was the worst flooding we’ve had on Ocracoke.”

As Grace returned home and saw her water-soaked house for the first time, a moldy stench overcame her. She suffers from asthma and staying in those harsh conditions for too long proved more than her body can handle. “It immediately choked me up because it was so strong,” Grace recalled. “I inhaled the mold, and it was like I was suffocating.”

But Grace had a house that needed fixed, and she planned to do her best to make that happen. “The first day I overdid it, and I just coughed all night,” Grace said. “My husband was afraid I was going to have to leave the island.”

Operation Blessing and Volunteers to the Rescue

Operation Blessing volunteer helps with recovery on Ocracoke Island.

Thankfully, Grace doesn’t have to cope with this tragedy on her own. Because of friends like you, Operation Blessing is there to help! We met her neighbor Judith the other day, and she told us we just had to help her friend down the street, Grace. So today we showed up with disaster relief kits generously provided by the Home Depot Foundation, filled with the tools to get this job done.

Our team hauled off heavy appliances that Grace and her husband couldn’t lift themselves. Then we began the hard work of ripping water-soaked paneling out of her house. That stuff is difficult to handle, but our team cut right through it. We hauled off the insulation, and by the time we were done one of her bedrooms was clean down to the studs.

Disaster Victim’s Joy and Peace Restored Thanks to You

Grace surrounded by the support of Operation Blessing volunteer helpers.

Grace was overjoyed! “It’s a God send,” Grace exclaimed, “My husband said, ‘I think I can relax now because we have help.’ I was so happy because he was doing too much.”

Thank you for your prayers and your support! Because of your support, Operation Blessing teams and volunteers can serve on the ground in Ocracoke Island, helping people just like Grace and Henry recover from the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.

“Thank you,” Grace said, “I just can’t tell you enough how your donations help us.”

Returning to Houston after Tropical Storm Imelda

Returning to a flooded Houston after Imelda.

Field Report by Justin Jenkins

HOUSTON, TX – As the Operation Blessing team arrived in Houston, Texas, yesterday, I had flashbacks to the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Our team came here two years ago and helped many families in this area take their first steps towards recovery.

Now we were returning to see if families need our help recovering from Tropical Storm Imelda. I couldn’t help but wonder. “Can a tropical depression really be as devastating as a hurricane?” It didn’t seem possible. But as we left Houston and drove through the communities of Tavola, Woodbranch, and Roman Forest, I wasn’t prepared for what awaited us.

In Tavola, we saw cars lining the streets. Most of them were pulled onto the curbs, and some even appeared to have water marks. We found this odd, but we didn’t yet know what it meant. Once we arrived at the local rec center, acting as a distribution hub for food and supplies, we began to realize the full extent of the flood damage.

We heard harrowing stories about how fast the waters rose, catching many people off guard. In addition, we learned that many victims, including senior citizens, had to be rescued by airboats. We found out many homes had filled with 3-4 feet of flood water, and some even more.

Back to Help Again

Thankfully, Operation Blessing was already sending help to these communities! As we talked to these families at the distribution center, an Operation Blessing semi-truck was already on its way. It held pallets of water and disaster relief kits generously provided by the Home Depot Foundation. And thanks to our partnership with Pastor Dave and The Avenue Church, we had already identified a great need in this area and were prepared to help these families as soon as possible.

Our 53’ Operation Blessing semi-truck arrived at the distribution site, located just minutes from the flooded communities. We unloaded the pallets of water and disaster relief kits. As soon as the semi-truck was unloaded, volunteers from the local area—whose friends and neighbors had flood damage—began to load their vehicles with our supplies.

Handing Out Much Needed Disaster Relief Supplies

Then they started taking them into the community. We had an opportunity to join them and help pass out those supplies to hurting families. We knew these disaster relief kits were important, but we had no idea just how much of a difference they would make in people’s lives.

In Roman Forest, another community hard hit by this flood, we pulled up to one house and met Esther. She told us she was there helping her sister Anna, whose home was severely damaged. Anna’s house was flooded with head high water that left a massive line across her wall.

When you’re caught in the midst of such devastation, it’s easy to forget about basic cleaning supplies. Thankfully we had those supplies, along with many others, in our disaster relief kits. “They had some of the sanitation wipes in the bucket,” Esther shared, “and we needed a clean surface to put the food on.”

Another essential item when cleaning out your home is trash bags. “We were going to make a run for more garbage bags. And then I said, ‘Wait, we’re supplied by Home Depot with garbage bags.’ So we appreciate that.”

In addition to sending supplies into the communities of Tavola, Woodbranch, and Roman Forest, we are also moving into the Beaumont area. Our team is partnering with Cathedral Church to reach out in that community who was also devastated by the floodwaters of Tropical Storm Imelda.

Returning to Texas to help flood victims like this woman.

We served families in that area during Hurricane Harvey, and we’re returning to help again. Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. It’s because of you that we’re able to be here, on the ground in Texas, helping these families take those first steps toward recovery.

If you can, please give a special gift to help disaster victims in need at this time.