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Project Lunchbox

VIRGINIA – For many children from low-income families across the United States, school meal programs provide an essential source of food throughout the school year. Outside of school, however, these food-insecure kids may be left without a reliable meal source. With parents often working multiple jobs and still coming up short, weekends and “vacations” Read More…

A Healthy Dose of Nutrition

MEXICO – It started as the response to an emergency need — families reeling from a round of earthquakes off the Pacific coast were in need of food. Because of our faithful partners, OB Mexico established mobile kitchens to help meet the immediate needs of hurting people. And the mobile food kitchens grew into a nutrition program to help families in Union Hidalgo Read More…

A Happy Home After Hurricane Heartache

TEXAS – Eight-year-old Gabe lived in a two-bedroom house in Texas with his mother and two older sisters, Payton and Penelope. He lives with autism, but had a safe home until Hurricane Harvey barreled through their community. Floodwaters rushed into the humble house as the unprecedented storm dumped heavy rains on the entire region. Since the swirling waters Read More…

Extracurricular Activities are Changing Lives

HAITI – Students from a remote fishing village in Haiti have the unique opportunity to gain an outstanding education thanks to your support of Operation Blessing’s ENLA school. In addition to offering strong academic classes, ENLA provides an assortment of extracurricular activities to further challenge the students’ young minds and bodies, teaching Read More…

Computer Lab Gives Students in Senegal Hope

SENEGAL - In many countries, accessing a computer is as easy as walking into the next room or visiting your local library. But in Dakar, Senegal, it can be difficult for children to find a computer they can use to help them learn and grow. That’s why Operation Blessing selected Ecolé Siloé, a local school in Dakar, to receive a brand new computer Read More…

Safe Water in Historic Cusco

PERU – Perched high in the Peruvian Andes, the city of Cusco was once the capital of the ancient Inca Empire. Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983, nearly 2 million tourists a year flock to this iconic destination. For those living in the mountains and valleys surrounding Cusco, however, life goes on much as it has for thousands of years. In fact, in the communities Read More…

Water Wells Transform Liberian Villages

LIBERIA – Imagine the life of a villager in remote Africa: living in a mud hut, working the fields each day, growing crops like rice and cassava. There’s no easy access to education or health care. One must travel long and dangerous distances, or simply manage without such necessities. But perhaps most troubling, these villagers live daily without access Read More…

Baseball Brings Life Skills to Haitian Youth

HAITI - In 2010, a devastating earthquake affected millions of Haitians. Makeshift “tent cities” formed out of the rubble of Port-au-Prince. The vulnerable children living in these areas succumbed to begging, suffered violence, and quickly became malnourished. Out of this darkness came an idea to help these children regain their health and bring much Read More…

Dedicated Volunteer Goes Above and Beyond

TEXAS, USA – When Amy Fernandez, wife, mother of six mostly grown children, and online student from California, heard about an opportunity to help Hurricane Harvey disaster victims in Texas, God tugged at her heart and she felt that she needed to get involved. But at the time she had no idea how huge her involvement would become. Amy’s heart always pulls Read More…

Health Care for Remote Village

CORNILLON GRAND-BOIS, Haiti – It takes over two hours on a dirt path just to reach the main road. And for the impoverished villagers of Cornillon Grand-Bois, that is a long way to go if you need health care. The community struggles without access to medical aid, so Operation Blessing conducted a two-day medical mission in the area. Rather than requiring the Read More…